Литература по теме
Ниже представлен тщательно составленный список литературы по теме "Дизайн человека". Эти рекомендации включают работы как на немецком, так и на английском языках и принадлежат авторам, которых я знаю лично и высоко ценю.
Книги на английском
Chetan Parkyn, Carola Eastwood

Human Design: Discover the Person You Were Born To Be
Опубликовано: 30. April 2009
Опубликовано: 30. April 2009

The Book of Lines, A 21st Century View of the IChing the Chinese Book of Changes: Human Design : Discover the Person You Were Born To Be
Опубликовано: July 4th 2012
Опубликовано: July 4th 2012

The Book of Destinies: Discover the Life You Were Born to Live
Опубликовано: 13. December 2016
Опубликовано: 13. December 2016
Karen Curry Parker

Human Design Activation Guide: Introduction to Your Quantum Blueprint (Quantum Alignment System)
Опубликовано: 7. February 2018
Опубликовано: 7. February 2018

Understanding Human Design: The New Science of Astrology: Discover Who You Really are
Опубликовано: 31. October 2013
Опубликовано: 31. October 2013

Abundance by Design (Life by Human Design, Band 1)
Опубликовано: 6. November 2016
Опубликовано: 6. November 2016
Lynda Bunnell

Human Design: The Definitive Book of Human Design, The Science of Differentiation by Ra Uru Hu
Опубликовано: May 2011
Опубликовано: May 2011
Richard Rudd

The Gene Keys: Unlocking the Higher Purpose Hidden in Your DNA
Опубликовано: 1. May 2013
Опубликовано: 1. May 2013

The Seven Sacred Seals
Опубликовано: 1. May 2016
Опубликовано: 1. May 2016

The Activation Sequence: Discovering Your Genius (Gene Keys Golden Path, Band 1)
Опубликовано: 14. October 2016
Опубликовано: 14. October 2016

The Venus Sequence: Opening Your Heart (Gene Keys Golden Path, Band 2)
Опубликовано: 1. February 2017
Опубликовано: 1. February 2017

PEARL SEQUENCE (Gene Keys Golden Path)
Опубликовано: 11. February 2017
Опубликовано: 11. February 2017
Книги на немецком
Simone Niehues

Kompass für dein Leben: Human Design Kompendium
Опубликовано: 1. Mai 2022
Comprehensive and profoundly eloquent I Ching reference book of all the gates and lineages in the light of the new times understandably prepared
Kompass für dein Leben: Human Design Kompendium
Опубликовано: 1. Mai 2022
Comprehensive and profoundly eloquent I Ching reference book of all the gates and lineages in the light of the new times understandably prepared
Chetan Parkyn, Carola Eastwood

Human Design: Entdecke die Person, die Du wirklich bist
Опубликовано: 23. March 2015
Опубликовано: 23. March 2015

Der Sinn Deines Lebens: Entdecke Deine Bestimmung
Опубликовано: 4. June 2018
German counterpart to 'The Book of Destinies: Discover the Life You Were Born to Live'
Опубликовано: 4. June 2018
German counterpart to 'The Book of Destinies: Discover the Life You Were Born to Live'

Die Kraft Deines Lebens: Eine Sicht des 21. Jahrhunderts auf das I Ging, das chinesische Buch der Wandlungen
Опубликовано: 18. March 202019
German counterpart to 'The Book of Lines, A 21st Century View of the IChing the Chinese Book of Changes:
Human Design : Discover the Person You Were Born To Be'
Опубликовано: 18. March 202019
German counterpart to 'The Book of Lines, A 21st Century View of the IChing the Chinese Book of Changes:
Human Design : Discover the Person You Were Born To Be'
Peter Schöber

Das Human Design-System - Die Zentren
Опубликовано: 1. September 2005
Опубликовано: 1. September 2005

Das Human Design-System - Typus, Strategie und innere Autorität
Опубликовано: 31. October 2008
Опубликовано: 31. October 2008
Richard Rudd

Die 64 Genschlüssel: Das Öffnen der verborgenen höheren Bestimmung in unserer DNA
Опубликовано: 15. December 2015
Опубликовано: 15. December 2015

Der goldene Pfad: Eine Reise zur Selbsterleuchtung durch die Genschlüssel
Опубликовано: 20. February 2018
Опубликовано: 20. February 2018
Marie-Luise Kreisz

Hilf Dir Selbst zur richtigen Entscheidung!: DAS HUMAN DESIGN SYSTEM
Опубликовано: 5. June 2014
Опубликовано: 5. June 2014

Heb' den Schleier: Ein Human Design Praxisbuch
Опубликовано: 5. September 2017
Опубликовано: 5. September 2017
Hans-Werner Janssen

Das Kreuz mit den Kreuzen im Human Design Mandala - Das Finale einer Trilogie zur Lebensförmel des HDS
Опубликовано: 9. July 2023
Das Kreuz mit den Kreuzen im Human Design Mandala - Das Finale einer Trilogie zur Lebensförmel des HDS
Опубликовано: 9. July 2023

Die Oppositionen im Human Design Mandala - Polarität als Kooperation oder Konfrontation
Опубликовано: 10. January 2021, 2. Auflage 2022
Опубликовано: 10. January 2021, 2. Auflage 2022

Eine Reise durch das Human Design-Mandala - Mit den Schaltkreisen von Alpha zu Omega
Опубликовано: 15. October 2012
Опубликовано: 15. October 2012
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