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Subscribe to New SunWare newsletter
Newsletter von New SunWare
If you sign up for the newsletter, you will receive news from my "universe" at irregular intervals, so two to three times a year, where I think it could be interesting for you.
As you may have noticed, there is no commercial advertising on my site, because that annoys me myself. In this sense, I will keep it that way with the Newletter.
Depending on whether you have a New SunWare ID you will receive a different newsletter version. My Neutrinos customers will of course receive more info about my Neutrinos program.
Sign up for the newsletter here to stay up to date.
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I use extra Brevo as my newsletter platform, because their servers are in Germany and accordingly DSGVO compliant. The following standard text of Brevo I can unfortunately not personalize:
Wir verwenden Brevo als unsere Marketing-Plattform. Wenn Sie das Formular ausfüllen und absenden, bestätigen Sie, dass die von Ihnen angegebenen Informationen an Brevo zur Bearbeitung gemäß den Nutzungsbedingungen übertragen werden.