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Neutrinos New Purchase Prices
Depending on the country in which you live, different prices apply. For those living in North or South America (including Canada) the USA Dollar prices applies. For all other areas in the world, European prices apply.
Europa (Euro)
USA (Dollar)
To get Update or Upgrade prices you need at least a licensed Neutrinos Through Windows Version 3.x or higher.
Overview of the Human Design Program
Neutrinos is available in both different version and different module levels. Each version level builds on the lower capability level, bringing you more convenience and possibilities. Once you have reached the Bronze Edition Level, you may begin to add and integrate the specific Modules. This further extends Neutrinos' capabilities into areas of specialized interests that also meet the requirements of certain target groups.
Versions, Editions and Modules Analyst Module Astro Module BG5 Module Composite Module Designer Module Incarnation Module Mammalian Module Noble Energy Maps Module Return Module Unified Life Sciences Module Gold Edition Silver Edition Bronze Edition Free Human Design Windows Version Noble Edition
Click on an area to directly display the respective Version, Edition or Module
In addition, Neutrinos Through Windows offers individual overview analyses and reports in all version levels, including the Free Human Design Windows version. They are all independent of the 'Neutrinos Through Windows' pricing model, which means that the prices for the paid versions are set by and benefit the respective authors.